Women’s Fund
The Julian Center invests in the well-being of residents and staff
While our nation remains in shock over the unprecedented and unthinkable ways that COVID-19 has changed our lives, domestic violence is one of the most horrific. The pressure, anxiety and isolation caused by the coronavirus has triggered an increase in abuse and...
Women’s Fund Emergency Grant Response to COVID-19 Featuring Early Learning Indiana, Indiana Diaper Bank and Seeds of Hope
Written by Jasmin French is the Senior Manager of Ethics & Compliance at Cummins Inc. She was an OPTIONS Class 19 participant and is currently a member of Women’s Fund Engagement Committee. Last month, Women’s Fund hosted a virtual conversation with the leaders of...
February GO session explores justice
GO combines philanthropy education with charitable giving. To learn more, click here. In February, GO participants met in person - in groups and talked about kindness, justice and the popular movie, Just Mercy. The movie is based on the true story of a man who spent...
Prevail invests in technology to stay connected with victims of violence
While the 2020 stay-at-home order designed to stop the spread of the corona-virus is known to have flattened the infection curve and saved countless lives, sadly that same life-saving order may actually be making violence in homes more frequent and severe, putting...
Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Madam C. J. Walker by Lauren Petersen
Lauren Petersen is the Senior Director of Relationship Management at TechPoint. She was an OPTIONS Class 16 participant and is currently a member of Women’s Fund Engagement Committee Member. On April 29, more than 30 Women’s Fund staff, OPTIONS Alumnae and Sage...
Early Learning Indiana pivots its services to provide child care for essential workers
Tiny feet running through the halls. Kids giggling with their friends between art projects. Babies napping while the older kids eat their lunch. Learning lessons after plenty of playtime. Science experiments followed by storytelling, singing songs followed by counting...
Your gift addresses the needs of women and girls in our community.