Women’s Fund


Feast Table of Our Future

Feast Table of Our Future

Written and Performed by Manon Voice Sponsored by Indianapolis Power & Light, Company On October, 1, 2020 Women’s Fund premiered the film Feast Table of our Future which is a spoken word poem by Manon Voice. We commissioned Manon in the spring of this year to...

Say Her Name

Say Her Name

Written by Brandi Davis-Handy.  Brandi is the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Project Lead The Way.  She is a member of Women’s Fund Sage Society and the Women’s Fund Engagement Committee. Eleanor Bumpurs, Aiyana Stanley Jones, Rekia Boyd, Renisha...

Turning Point invests in victims of domestic violence

Turning Point invests in victims of domestic violence

When Lisa Shafran, President of Turning Point, was interviewed for this story, we were just three weeks into a global pandemic –three pivotal, life-changing weeks that have morphed into a completely different way the 40-year-old organization is now serving victims of...


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