Congratulations to these extraordinary leaders in the Indianapolis community on being selected for the newest class of OPTIONS. Tamara L. CypressCSR Lead ConsultantBlack Onyx Management, Inc. Danielle M. DoveDirector of Marketing & SalesIndiana Repertory Theatre...
February Letter from the President

February Letter from the President

Dear Friends, It is hard to believe February is upon us already! It is the shortest month, yet the calendar is full of special days: Groundhog Day, Tater Tot Day, Valentine’s Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Go Fly a Kite Day, President’s Day … and, all the children...
New Advisory Board Leadership

New Advisory Board Leadership

The Advisory Board for Women’s Fund of Central Indiana is led by elected Chair, Tavonna Harris Askew, Partner, Chief of Staff and General Counsel at Health Corporation of Marion County and Vice Chair, Nichole Wilson, Vice President of Community Health Operations...
February Letter from the President

Women’s Fund Community Message

Dear Friends, The bright sun peeking through my windows normally brings immeasurable joy to my soul. However, it is going to take more than that fantastic ball of light to warm my aching heart today. I have witnessed the best and the worst of this city I love in the...

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