annual report coverThe Women’s Fund of Central Indiana 2023 Annual Report is now available. 

“In 2023 we remained deeply committed to our mission by awarding grants that totaled more than $466,000. We launched a new signature program, Executive Women of Color Leadership Program, and hosted an internationally known icon, Allyson Felix, at our annual Power of Women where we highlighted the importance of women’s maternal health. Our year was spent listening to women’s voices more than ever before, expanding our commitment to women and girls by investing in new grantees, and strengthening our governance to ensure our foundation continues to be strong. Join me as we celebrate our 2023 accomplishments in this annual report and learn more about how you can continue to support Women’s Fund.” Tavonna Harris Askew, Board Chair 2022-2023

“Read this annual report not as a record of Women’s Fund’s work over the last year, but a celebration of how you are making a world where women and girls–in all their diversity and complexity–can be safe, happy, healthy, and free–where they can reach their full potential unhindered.” Tamara Winfrey-Harris, President, Women’s Fund of Central Indiana

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