OPTIONS Supervisor Support

Must be submitted by Monday, Nov. 11 at 5 p.m.

OPTIONS Class 24 – Supervisor Support

Applicants wishing to participate in OPTIONS Class 24 hosted by Women’s Fund of Central Indiana are required to receive support from their supervisor indicating they will have the time and space to be an active participant in the program.

Participants are expected to attend every class, be on time and stay for the entire class. Missing more than one session will result in a class member’s participation being delayed to a future year. The dates and times are listed below for your information.

OPTIONS Class 24 will meet from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the expectation of the Jan. class on the following dates:
Jan. 21 (12 p.m. – 5 p.m.)
Feb. 18
Mar. 18
Apr. 15
May 20
Jun. 17
Aug. 19
Sep. 16
Oct. 21
Nov. 18

By completing and signing this form, you are indicating your support of the applicant as a participant.

If you are self employed, please just write Self-Employed in the signature box below and leave all other fields blank.

I hereby support the applicant’s participation in OPTIONS as well as understand and support the time commitment this entails.

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